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Sports Chiropractic in Port Huron & Marysville

person having neck adjustedWhether you’re a runner, CrossFitter, golfer, or cyclist, you want your body to perform at its peak. Chiropractic care for athletes can help improve function, reduce injury, and promote faster recovery if you do get injured.

It’s no wonder so many professional sports teams have a dedicated chiropractor. The good news is that you don’t need to be a pro athlete to enjoy the many benefits of chiropractic care!

How Chiropractic Helps Athletes

At Lakeview Chiropractic PC, we’ve seen our care transform athletes’ performance as they unlock their bodies’ ability to heal itself. Dr. McMath provides personalized adjustments that help relieve pain and speed up recovery time.

Many clients are surprised to learn that we can help improve your health even if you haven’t had an injury. As we remove interference from the nervous system, you may experience an improved range of motion, better functioning, and enhanced athletic performance. You’re also less likely to experience injuries, since your body’s quicker reaction time can help you avoid falls and collisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of athletes do you see?

We see high school and college athletes as well as weekend warriors. Our clients engage in a wide range of sports and activities.

Do you use different techniques for sports chiropractic versus regular clients?

No. Our goal for every client, regardless of your background, is to get you out of pain as fast as we can, stabilizing your spine so you can jump back into living and competing again. We use the same quality adjustments for athletes as we do for others. We may also add nutritional supplements and laser therapy to speed up your recovery.

What athletic injuries do you see most often?

While most of the injuries we see are in the neck, shoulder, knee, ankle, or wrist, we can respond to pain and problems anywhere in the body.

Take Your Health to the Next Level

Natural health care can help you recover faster and boost your performance. Book your appointment today.


Sports Chiropractic Port Huron, Marysville MI | (810) 982-2700